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Traverse Traveler Archive

10 Places I’ve Never Been: Hodge Podge Lodge

By |2024-11-28T09:22:38-05:00July 7th, 2011|Archive|

Hodge Podge Lodge is now closed This summer, I'm on a mission to explore uncharted territory in my own backyard and improve Michigan's economy one purchase at a time. The strategy is simple. Visit 10 places I've never been before...just because I've never been. Next on my list: Hodge Podge Lodge The Hodge Podge Lodge [...]

10 Northern Michigan Places I’ve Never Been

By |2024-11-27T10:54:12-05:00June 23rd, 2011|Archive, Things to Do|

Some businesses are now closed This summer, I'm on a mission to explore uncharted territory in my own backyard and improve Michigan's economy one purchase at a time. The strategy is simple. Visit 10 places I've never been before...just because I've never been. Close your eyes and think about this for a moment. Wait...that [...]

Plan Your Trip to Traverse with New iPhone App from Mealtickets

By |2024-11-28T13:47:02-05:00December 17th, 2010|Archive|

Mealtickets & Unusual Ideas is proud to present a brand new iPhone app called Traverse Traveler. The Traverse Traveler iPhone app is a handy mobile guide for the Traverse area visitor designed to promote local restaurants, wineries, attractions, shopping, events, services and more. And best of all...it's a FREE download for iPhone and iTouch users. Whether you're planning [...]

Local Chefs in the Running for James Beard Award

By |2024-11-28T13:20:49-05:00February 25th, 2010|Archive|

Considered "The Oscars of the food world," by Time Magazine, the James Beard Foundation Award is one of the highest honors a chef can receive. And three Traverse Area chefs are on the cusp of receiving this very honor. Semi-finalists in the category Best Chef: Great Lakes 2010 are chef Miles Anton of Trattoria Stella, chef Randy Chamberlain of Blu, and chef Guillaume Hazaël-Massieux of La Bécasse. [...]

Hometown Highlights: Spartan Flag Company

By |2025-01-27T15:59:21-05:00June 4th, 2009|Archive|

Spartan Flag Company is now closed Did you know, the majority of the world's golf flags are made in Northport, Michigan?  I had no idea. That is, until I had the chance to get a tour of the Spartan Flag Company, in beautiful Northport, Michigan. It was there I came to see why the [...]

Hometown Highlights: Michigan Maple Syrup

By |2024-11-28T10:55:03-05:00March 8th, 2009|Archive|

The Making of a Michigan Specialty I grew up in Suburbia. Our food came from the grocery store, not a garden. We prepared meals from fresh, canned, or frozen foods like everyone else I knew. On weekends we'd enjoy a breakfast of pancakes, always topped with pure Michigan maple syrup. Never had I imagined [...]

Celebrate February, National Cherry Month

By |2024-11-28T10:27:43-05:00February 3rd, 2009|Archive|

The Cherry Capital is the Perfect Place to Celebrate National Cherry Month Traverse City is home of the Cherry Festival and known as the Cherry Capital of the world. So what better place to celebrate National Cherry Month than right here in Northern Michigan? The Cherry Stop has christened it Febru-Cherry and they're throwing a discount party [...]

75th Anniversary of the Drive-In Theater

By |2024-11-28T10:16:16-05:00June 6th, 2008|Archive, Business Feature, Things to Do|

Did you know the first drive-in movie theater opened on June 6, 1933, in Camden, New Jersey. The patent held by Richard Hollingshead first began with one car, a screen stretched between two trees, and a radio hidden behind it. After several beta tests to determine, among other things, the best position for multiple cars [...]

Moomer’s Featured on Good Morning America

By |2024-11-28T13:28:45-05:00May 15th, 2008|Archive|

Moomers Homemade Ice Cream is in the "Final Four" for Good Morning America Weekend's "Ice Cream Challenge" – best ice cream shop in America.  Four stores, nominated by customers, will be featured on ABC's Sunday edition this Sunday, May 18, 8:00 - 9:00 am. Voting then takes place online (www.abcnews.com, then go to Good Morning [...]

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